Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Fight Night

Oh my! Where do I begin on this one?! I just got finished watching one of the many teen fight YouTube/ Worrrrrrlllllddd Star videos and I just wonder to myself where has the respect gone for ourselves? Why do these young people feel like EVERYTHING needs to be recorded and promoted? Don't get me wrong I obviously partake in the viewing of these videos....more out of curiosity of watching the person running their mouth and slinging threats get their ass beat (you know that's what happens..LOL)   but as I watch poor Sharkisha and Lil Damo get their ass beat on tape I can't help but wonder what made their dumb ass think this was a great idea?!?!? I mean did they plan this out the night before to become "hood famous"? Did they think they would be the beatie instead of the beater? How much influence did their friends have on hyping up the situation? AND where in Sam's name is their parents? Or any adult for that matter?

As a mother I'm going to just speak on that first. I feel like I am very protective over my kids and especially my son. This is the age where he can be easily influenced by his peers and boys can be welllll....dumb. He's extremely book smart but lacks common sense....his plans are quit interesting but his execution is by far the dumbest and honestly I never would have thought to do some of the things he does when I was his age.  He has a little cell phone...nothing fancy because I personally think he's to young for iPhone's and android phones. I feel those type of phones give him way more access to the outside world then he needs at 11 yrs old with Facebook, skype, Instagram, and other social media. But it leaves me in a catch 22 situation because am I then sheltering him from the new age of how kids are growing up? Or am I protecting him from this viscous world? To much access to the adult world is dangerous and I don't care how much monitoring of these account you do people are still crazy and still have access to your child (once again just my opinion). In feeling this why I think parents who have given their child this type of access encourages their preteen/teen stupidity then allowing them to have baby twerk contest, taking nudes, and making fight videos which is now spread across the worldwide web and for all to see and will continue to be out there for the rest of their lives. And although his phone isn't fancy and he doesn't have FB or IG I still look at his call log and read his text because I want to make sure he's not doing anything crazy. I wonder if these kids parents looked into their children's phone more often would they still be asking for or sending nudes and making outrageous videos?   If their parents were more involved would they even feel the need to do it in the first place? If the parents were more involved would the child feel more of a need to protect or stand up for what's going on then to turn a blind eye or record it for the world to see? But then again realistically kids are going to be kids and when there's a will there's a way. I know that all the blame does not land on the parents and as a parent you do your best to raise your child with dignity and respect not only for themselves but for other people  and at some point  you have to let them go and hope they continue living their lives with the values you instilled in them.

Now off my mommy soap box!!

The video I watched had teenage girls but I've seen plenty with boys as well. One of my closest friends recently wrote a blog on self respect that was absolutely amazing!  After reading it I defiantly looked at myself and wondered if I loved and appreciated myself as God does!! There is such an unrealistic expectation in the world of what beauty and love is and because of this it can cause you to have a false value of yourself. Do these young children experience this? I mean I assume they do because I do at thirty-something.  Loving and respecting yourself can be a daunting tasking when there are so many things in the world that can make you feel otherwise, make you feel undeserving. I would hope that if they did respect and love themselves more then they wouldn't feel the need to subject themselves to this and feeling the need to fight over a boy or girl, shaking their butt and flashing their boobies wouldn't be necessary. When you disrespect yourself your opening the doors for others to disrespect you as well...why would you want that? As I watch every video I wounder if they know how they look to other people...do they even care? I mean I guess sometime the next person does needs their ass tapped but more cases than not fighting is not the answer! In the grand scheme of things there really isn't anything you need to be fighting for unless you are trying to protect yourself.

I'm not 100% sure why all these fights start and have "friends" that encourage them and are willing to record but I sure hope that one day sooner than later these young people (and some older ones) realize that self respecting people do not act this way; flashing your body, bulling and fighting people are just not the way to get your point across or to be seen in this world. That people are laughing at you and not with you and they are judging you (not that it's hard for people to judge you!) and bringing this type of negative attention to yourself is not the way to begin your life. Be humble, love yourself and the ones who love you, learn from your mistakes and don't let anyone's negative opinion of you change the person you are meant to be and don't sweat the small stuff or people...they're down there for a reason!

Until next time!

Monday, June 9, 2014

16 and Pregnant....but not really..

So I've been into the Mtv show 16 and Pregnant since season one and every episode I watch and I wonder to myself....if this show was out when I was younger would I have taken heave to the message? Although I was not 16 when I had my son I was still very young...I was more like 19 and Pregnant and I was extremely scared to have a baby!!!! I think I was more scared of becoming a statistic...a teen girl with a baby with no job or education.
Where I lived you often seen children pushing baby strollers like it was cute, I so didn't want to be that. I had "plans" for my life! I wanted to go to college and be some type of teacher...meet a man, get married around 30-something, a house with a picket fence and 2.5 kids, you know the American (damn near unrealistic) Dream!
I had to come to grips with my decision ....my carelessness. I had no idea what I was in for being a young mother!! I truly believe the show shows a realistic depiction of being a child mother. As I watch the show although each girl is different they all seem to experience the same exact thing...the same exact things I experienced!
They all seem to realize

  • very quickly they have to grow up even though dad continues to be a child.
  • that hanging with your childless friends becomes a little nonexistent.
  • that trying to continue your education is way harder than you ever thought.
  • that pampers, milk and childcare are ridiculously high.
  • and that people are way more judgmental than supportive.
Being a teen mom is extremely hard physically, mentally, and emotionally and most of the time you don't really think of it you just do what needs to be done but looking back I wish I knew then what I know now...things would definitely be different. I always wonder how different my life would be if I would have actually did what I was supposed to have done and how different would my life experiences be and honestly I couldn't begin to tell you and that's probably because that wasn't how my life was supposed to be. God had this life planned for me and although it gets hard the things that I have experienced have made me into this awesomely great person I am today and I don't think I'd want it any other way!
I pray that God gives these young girls strength and direction because they will definitely need it. I hope that life for them gets easier and the sweet little babies don't have to suffer for their mistakes. I wish them well!

Here's a few pics of us growing up....


 Until next time,

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Mommy Madness

So I write this post to you as I'm in madness mode! Am I the only mother who finds herself here? When you're hiding out in your room, in the dark trying not to lose that last bit of sanity that you managed to hold on to allllllll day? If you've never reached this special place then you're either lying or you have a nanny...if you are either of these people please exit my page immediately!!!!!

So I'm in the kitchen and I happen to see clumps of hair in the trash and of course I think to myself  "WTF is this?!?!?!". As I take a closer look I realize it's the dog's hair!!!!! Why are clumps of hair in the trash you ask? IDK? because I asked myself the same question....after thinking it over for 2.5 seconds I think to ask the only other person in the house....my son. I calmly walk to his room and ask him "Why is Chaz's hair in the trash?" he says "HUH?!?!" you know the usual noise made when you need to think of a quick cleaver lie on a whim....I abruptly say "YOU HEARD ME!!!" and to that he replies "OH, that? Well I was petting Chaz and my finger wouldn't run though his fur so I just cut out all the knots....." *sigh* The only thing I could say is "why would you do that?!?!?"  I was just totally confused by this whole incident!!! So I asked him if he tried to brush him first and of course he said no. The only thing I could do was walk into my room and close the door.

Poor Chaz is hiding in his crate and the kids wonder why he hangs with me instead of them....SMH.

Well until next time!