Sunday, October 23, 2011

My New Fav...


While perusing the world wide web I came across two websites that sparked my taste buds yesterday. While reading Bakingdom she mentioned something about this other great site with delicious recipes that included awesome breakfast. Well all who know to snacks, breakfast is my favorite meal!!!!

Anything with syrupy goodness always makes for a great day or pick me up! My girls and I use to indulge in this often as a way to catch up on our gossip we may have missed on our daily email, vent, or just to laugh and enjoy one another company. It was a time we could enjoy yummy goodness while escaping from our worlds....whatever that may have been.

So, anywho I quickly went to the site Two Peas and Their Pod and started searching all the breakfast recipes :). I was pleasantly surprised that I had all the ingredients to one of the pancake recipes that caught my eye!!!! Cinnamon Streusel Pancakes....OMG just saying/typing it makes me want to eat a short stack of them right now!!!! DJM!!! I experimented with box pancakes...but these were real homemade, from scratch pancakes!!! Let me just say these damn pancakes!!!!!! These will be my new Sunday breakfast! Until I try something new..thinking about German Pancakes with berries. They say a way to a mans heart is I'm trying to learn all I can. ;)

First I whipped up the Streusel.

Then the pancake batter.
A yummy creation in the making!

The tasty result!

Maybe I'll explore more then cupcakes, seeing as though I really don't even eat them. I'll start making food that I do eat...which is really almost anything as long as it doesn't have onions or stink! Since I'm a single bitty my house is cleaner then ever and I have this want to try new things. Right now "new things" include food, drinks, clothes, shoes, places, and people. Maybe it's part of my late 20's crisis I'm going through....IDK, but  I'm going to try to enjoy it as much as I can. I'm learning that people can only take from you what you allow and I don't plan on allowing anyone to take anymore happiness from me anytime soon!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Can You Say Cinnamon??????

It's been a minute since I posted something about my baking. Well about two weeks ago I made the yummiest Cinnamon Graham Cracker cupcakes. I even taste tested one or two...okay...okay geesh maybe three. A coworker of mine suggested I make something with caramel and well for some reason I instantly thought a cinnamon cupcake would be great with caramel. So, I went to work on finding the perfect recipe for a cinnamon type of cupcake. I did a Google search but really couldn't find the perfect one, and of course what kind of cupcake  preneur would I be if I didn't watch Cupcake Wars.... so, I went to the Food Network website ( ) and low and behold they post the recipes to those funky little cupcakes they make on the show.

Even the cake batter was heaven.

I think they're going to be yummylicious!!!! ;)

The polka dot paper was so cute.

I topped them off with a graham cracker cream cheese frosting. I could have eaten a bowl of that alone ^_^
 I wanted to do a fancy frosting top but the graham crackers kept getting stuck in the frosting was late and I was sleepy so I just slapped the frosting on top and poured on the caramel and cinnamon sugar and called it a night. Of course the coworker I made them for went to a family reunion with her husband and baby so she never even got a chance to taste them but they must've been pretty good because by the time I went to lunch around 1ish there were only a few left.
I'll pat myself on the back because if no one else like them, I sure as hell did! I will be making these again soon...with plenty of frosty to nibble on for a late night snack :). Please don't judge me....I think I think I feel a little judgment coming from that last comment! LOL.