Sunday, October 23, 2011

My New Fav...


While perusing the world wide web I came across two websites that sparked my taste buds yesterday. While reading Bakingdom she mentioned something about this other great site with delicious recipes that included awesome breakfast. Well all who know to snacks, breakfast is my favorite meal!!!!

Anything with syrupy goodness always makes for a great day or pick me up! My girls and I use to indulge in this often as a way to catch up on our gossip we may have missed on our daily email, vent, or just to laugh and enjoy one another company. It was a time we could enjoy yummy goodness while escaping from our worlds....whatever that may have been.

So, anywho I quickly went to the site Two Peas and Their Pod and started searching all the breakfast recipes :). I was pleasantly surprised that I had all the ingredients to one of the pancake recipes that caught my eye!!!! Cinnamon Streusel Pancakes....OMG just saying/typing it makes me want to eat a short stack of them right now!!!! DJM!!! I experimented with box pancakes...but these were real homemade, from scratch pancakes!!! Let me just say these damn pancakes!!!!!! These will be my new Sunday breakfast! Until I try something new..thinking about German Pancakes with berries. They say a way to a mans heart is I'm trying to learn all I can. ;)

First I whipped up the Streusel.

Then the pancake batter.
A yummy creation in the making!

The tasty result!

Maybe I'll explore more then cupcakes, seeing as though I really don't even eat them. I'll start making food that I do eat...which is really almost anything as long as it doesn't have onions or stink! Since I'm a single bitty my house is cleaner then ever and I have this want to try new things. Right now "new things" include food, drinks, clothes, shoes, places, and people. Maybe it's part of my late 20's crisis I'm going through....IDK, but  I'm going to try to enjoy it as much as I can. I'm learning that people can only take from you what you allow and I don't plan on allowing anyone to take anymore happiness from me anytime soon!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Can You Say Cinnamon??????

It's been a minute since I posted something about my baking. Well about two weeks ago I made the yummiest Cinnamon Graham Cracker cupcakes. I even taste tested one or two...okay...okay geesh maybe three. A coworker of mine suggested I make something with caramel and well for some reason I instantly thought a cinnamon cupcake would be great with caramel. So, I went to work on finding the perfect recipe for a cinnamon type of cupcake. I did a Google search but really couldn't find the perfect one, and of course what kind of cupcake  preneur would I be if I didn't watch Cupcake Wars.... so, I went to the Food Network website ( ) and low and behold they post the recipes to those funky little cupcakes they make on the show.

Even the cake batter was heaven.

I think they're going to be yummylicious!!!! ;)

The polka dot paper was so cute.

I topped them off with a graham cracker cream cheese frosting. I could have eaten a bowl of that alone ^_^
 I wanted to do a fancy frosting top but the graham crackers kept getting stuck in the frosting was late and I was sleepy so I just slapped the frosting on top and poured on the caramel and cinnamon sugar and called it a night. Of course the coworker I made them for went to a family reunion with her husband and baby so she never even got a chance to taste them but they must've been pretty good because by the time I went to lunch around 1ish there were only a few left.
I'll pat myself on the back because if no one else like them, I sure as hell did! I will be making these again soon...with plenty of frosty to nibble on for a late night snack :). Please don't judge me....I think I think I feel a little judgment coming from that last comment! LOL.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Random Thought.....

So, for some reason I replied back to text from someone I told a while ago to leave me the hell alone. Lets back track a little....this was someone I use to deal with, I wanted to go in one direction with this "relationship" and he wanted to go in another. That's perfectly fine with me! He then suggested we be friends.....he's the reason why a lot people believe men and woman CAN NOT BE FRIENDS. To me he continued to cross barriers and not respect the type of relationship I wanted....which was friendship. For the record I do believe men and woman can be friends.
Now I chose not to continue this one sided "friendship" I felt we had. I tried my damndist to get this person to leave me alone!!!! When I said it nicely that really meant....please ignore every word I'm saying and keep contacting me! I tried ignoring this person....nope that didn't work. I tried being an evil bitch (which I'm told I do well J )....that didn't even work. I think that was like spreading honey over myself because he texted even more when I was a total b-ioch. Why? I'll never know.
Well I thought I finally got rid of I thought because just when I thought the coast was clear guess who starts texting again?!?!?! YUP, you got it..."him". And I think to myself "what isn't this nigga understanding?" At this point he seems to be becoming a little weird...making comments about all my FB profile pics...mind you we weren't friends on FB. Making stupid comments to start a conversation. I mean like WTF is wrong with this man? Can't you see I'm not interested in you!
Within the last week or so he's sent random text, which I made very clear that I was NOT interested in communicating with him! (But as I said before he totally ignores that, like it's a joke) Now what I don't understand is if someone is being rude or sarcastic to you and keeps telling you to leave them alone, why get offend? Why feel the need to continue to contact that them if you feel like this person treats you so crappy? I mean isn't it like you're asking to be treated that way if you continue to reach out to this person. Right? He then always feels the need to point how mean I am to him and makes up stupid names that would equate to being a mean person....LOL. SMH!! I then get thrown these comments that I found totally hilarious!!!!! "You can't say I didn't try", "Your prickly behavior is actually telling me I made the right choice", and my favorite "I'm just trying to bring some reality to your dark prospective" LMAO I mean really tho?!?!?!?!? So guess he was really doing me a favor by continuing to talk to me. SIKE!
If he left me alone as I requested MONTHS ago, would he really feel this way? During our "relationship" he was giving multiple chances to do right and make an effort and he chose to do otherwise so I drop dat ass! And why do men always want to "try" after it's too late? When you had the chance to try you wanted to be doing your own thing...being a selfish man but wanting everything in return! Why does it seem like men feel like you should be grateful that they're trying to make amends for what they’ve done wrong after it's too late? Why is it that you have to leave, ignore them, and move on before they want to "try"? That baffles me to no end? Does anyone have an answer that? Does a man have an answer to that?
Now, I'm no relationship expert or anything (obviously because I'm single) but, men if a woman is telling you what she needs to be happy and you do otherwise then please expect a harsh reaction from that. Especially if the woman is telling you what she wants and you say you're going to do it and you don't...that kinda makes you a liar. She may just curse you out, leave you, break your stuff up, kick you out of the house....whatever. I don’t know? But please stop expecting so many chances to get your shit together and don't be upset if after a million "tries" your simple ass doesn't get another attempt to make it right!
Just my random thought….

Monday, September 12, 2011

Her Struggle

So it’s been a minute since I’ve written anything. I’ve been wrapped up in not having a life and all. You know how that can
I’ve been a little down lately….or should I say for a while. I’m not fully sure of why though.  Maybe it’s a late 20’s crisis???? I mean I’m 29…. not even close to having a husband/family type of deal, I’m boarder line poor (if you live pay check to pay check…yes you’re boarder line poor as well), I’ve been in the processes of “buying” a house for over a year now, and well the daily struggles of normal life (I think my life is normal :/) has started to wear heavy on me.
I have started to wonder often if I’m doomed to live an in loveless life and be alone. I’ve been in the most complicated relationships known to man….none which have obviously worked, thank goodness. Or is it, that I haven’t found the “one” for me? I don’t know, but I wish a sign would come from the heavens above so that I know which reason I fall under. This entire UNKNOWN is killing a light skinned sista!!!!  I’ve been alone before and have done quite well! Not so sure if that’s my worry…more not being able to have a successful relationship that will lead to husband and family. Those of us in or that has been in a relationship should fully understand this concern as it takes SOOO much work to make it successful. If you’re missing one of the major keys in this success then it’s failed before you even start! Being truthfully honest I need to work on one of my keys!!!!
I’m semi satisfied in my career and make ok money. I mean I can live a happy life if need be, but I know this not what my ultimate plan is! What is my plan you ask…uuuhhh I don’t know just yet but when I found out I’ll be sure to let you know!!!! J Although currently I am boarder line poor, I know that can be adjusted with a little fine tooth finical planning. Weight could also be lifted if the two men that help me conceive these two beautiful children helped out finically. Common sense would tell you that if it cost money to take care of yourself, then it also cost money to take care of children! Unless I missed the memo when leaving the hospital that said “TAKING CARE OF THIS CHILD WILL BE FREE UNTIL THEY ARE 18”, I doubt that I did though. I just need to get my hustle together and off the ground so I can make some extra $$$$$’s. So stop asking for free cupcakes and offer to buy them!!!! LOL    Don’t even get me started on wanting to buy a house!
I guess you through money and relationships into trying to live day-by-day you could have a crisis at any age….LOL!!! I think as a single mother you get so use to living a daily routine to keep things less chaotic, you lose track of the things you need to keep you sane  and those daily life things begin to wear down on you because that’s all you think about, it’s what you breath, hell…it’s what you dream about. From the time you wake up to the time you go to bed you’re trying to remember every… little… thing that needs to be done for you, for the kids, for the house, for the dog, for people that may have asked you for something. “Me Time” then become nonexistent, alone with your boo has now become an early bed time for you, hanging out with your friends has become sitting at home on a Friday night with PJ’s on at 7:30 dosing off to last week’s repeat of Say Yes To The Dress. You then began to wonder…WHAT IN THE HELL HAPAPEN TO MY LIFE?!?!?!?!?!?!? Before you know it you’ve become resentful and angry toward people for reasons that aren’t clear. All because in your “daily struggle” you lost track of yourself, and even though your daily responsibilities are important so is your health and you sanity. I think we fail to realize how easy it is to become a victim of our daily routine.
So as I end this I’m going to have to remind myself daily:
·         That things will come to me in due time, there’s no need to rush them.
·         No matter what I feel is important to me at that moment, I have to remember that I’m just as important!!!!
·         Everything isn’t meant for everybody, and the grass may not always be greener on the other side.
·         Never forget my goals!
·         And without God, my family and friends, and a little sip of Malibu I will overcome all of my worries, struggles, trials and tribulations.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

I'ma Thief!!!

Ok, so I stole this from someone else's blog... . But I loved it so much and it's just a testimony of how hard we need to work to get to where we need to be!!!!! No matter where that is...

Monday, July 18, 2011

I'm Still Baking

I figured since I started this blog to talk about my baking experience, maybe I should write a blog about the cupcakes I've baked since my class has been over.

One thing I have figured out is that I need a way bigger kitchen!!!!! My inch and half of counter space just doesn't cut it and makes it difficult to do more than one thing at a time so organization is KEY in 6701! I've also learned that I need a standing mixer. Boy, let me tell you...I've put some fancy art work on my walls from my hand mixer :/. And who knew you needed so many baking ingredients?!?!?!?! I sure didn't! I thought flour, eggs, milk, sugar, and some extract did the key for any delicious cake. Well, ummmrra I thought wrong! Those are just the basics and the I'm coming to realize that I'ma basic beginner. LOL. Not for long tho :).

So I think I wrote about my layered caked with raspberry chocolate chip filling and butter cream frosting. Let me just say I still dream about that was so good! Next, I made chocolate cupcakes with a  peanut butter middle, with a chocolate peanut butter frosting. I have no clue why I really wanted to make these because I'm not even a chocolate fan, but as I get older chocolate does seem to get tastier and tastier. The cupcakes were so good they made you wanna kick somebody! I took them to work for my fellow co-works and they were a huge hit! Everyone loved them and even people that can't crack their lips to speak every day walked over to my desk to thank me and tell me how good they were. I guess chocolate can bring out the best in Most recently I really wanted to make strawberry shortcake cupcakes but they didn't quit turn out like I wanted, mostly because I was missing and ingredient here and I got my first lesson in baking soda, baking powder, and corn starch. Who in the hell knew they all did something different, because I didn't. lol. But I now have all three, which I believe makes me a semi-professional baker ;). I made the cupcakes with no problem but while waiting for them to cool I figured I'd make the whip cream frosting. Well I realized I didn't buy a enough cream and I refused to go back to the store for the third time (second being to get corn starch) that day to buy more cream, so I settled for a butter cream raspberry frosting. This turn out was eeehhhh, I wasn't a fan of the shortcake cupcake, it didn't seem moist enough to that melt in your mouth kind of moist. I'm not sure if it was the recipe, which there seems to be at least 30 different recipes for shortcake. So if anyone has a really good one please let know. Or I could have done something wrong..even though I doubt it I took these to work as well, I received compliment but I knew this was not my best work! I will definitely try this one again!

My cupcake experience thus far has gone well tho. I am learning techniques, creating my own style, and tweeking some things....making things my own. Surprisingly I'm enjoying this more than I thought and actually want to make them and try and experiment with new ideas...hopefully I'm able to make this into something bigger and better then taste testing for my co-workers. Well see tho.....

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Now Accepting Resumes and Applications

So I was reading someone’s blog and they had a resume, but it wasn’t of their past job positions or work objective. It was about himself, his relationship objective, his education on his macking and man skills, past relationships….why they were together and even why they broke-up, it even had a cute little picture with it. Just in case you need to see your potential prospect J. Well it got me to thinking!!!!! Yes, just in case you’re wondering my hamster does exercise! What if we all had to give our “potentials” a resume or applications about ourselves before we even hit the first date?!?!!?
In this application that I would hand out I need to know your FULL government so that my BFF can google you and Maryland Case search you! I need to know your last 5 relationship statues, even if they were just your “buddies” *wink*wink* along with the most recent ones phone number. I want to know your last 2 most recent residence’s or if you were living with someone, the dates in which you resided there and if you could be a possible nomad. I’m going to need to know your last checkup and HIV test date along with the name and number to the doctor you seen, attached will be a release of information form so that all of this information can be verified by yours truly. Your highest level of education and your 3 most resent job positions held and current annual salary. There will also be a section so that you can list all children and potential children, the name of their mother’s and her best friend and the amount of money in which you give to support these children.  I will also need at least 5 references, two of the 5 being a parent/close relative and a best friend. If ya’ll think of anymore that can be added please let me know as these will go into print soon. LOL
What if every man that wanted my number, I just handed an application with the must knows before I even give you a ring or text. Or if you’re really trying to pursue me you just hand me your resume. I mean wouldn’t that save us all a lot of wasted time? I would then know from a quick glance that your ass aint bout a damn thing or that I might want to make you the future Mr. Butler. I mean it would save me a lot babysitting money or having to waste my time to look around for a sitter….to ask my dad so he can give me that “all niggas aint shit” look so watch your back or ask my girls so they can say “This maybe the one!!!”. I will have not wasted my anytime minutes or unlimited text on someone who just keeps asking “So when can I see you” or my favorite “When can I come over?” although you haven’t even tried to take me on a date or woooo me in anyway because I must have missed the “TRAMP” stamp on my forehead when we exchanged numbers. Thank GOODNESS for Caller ID, I mean that was just heaven sent!!!! It would allow me pick out the cheap skates from the givers, or the I’m just tryna hitters. I possibly could figure out by your references and the last person you were with that you may be crazy, a hypocrite, you might have unreasonable standards to live up to, you’re a sweetie, or lovable, or maybe your single because you just haven’t found that right person yet…..I mean who knows how much post information I could gain from reviewing this application beforehand!!!!! It could save us all from a lot of wasted time, disappointment and heartache in the long run. If only it were this easy! And I’m sure you’re saying to yourself what if they lie on their app or resume, well then as the old saying goes “what’s done in the dark will always come to the light”. I guess until we’re really able to use this magnificent method for meeting someone new we’ll have to stick to the old generic form of meeting people…the awkward introduction, the exchange of numbers, the constant texting because even tho we have unlimited minutes no one talks on the phone anymore, the billion questions to get to know one another, and let’s not forget about the wonderful dates we will have to experience. I suppose this will do for now……

*****Please see application below****

Application for Potential Date
Joy is an Equal Opportunity Dater committed to excellence through diversity. Dating offers are made on the basis of qualifications and without regard to race…depending on how you look (DJM), religion…as long as it’s not Satan, national or ethnic origin.
Please Type Or Print: Complete the entire application. You may attach a resume, but you MUST complete all questions: or your application will be deemed incomplete and may not be considered.

Position Appling for:
A Date:
Wife Material:
A “Buddy”:
Name (Last, First, Middle):
Street Address:

Living with someone?
City, State, & Zip:
Email Address:
Cell Phone:
Home Number:
Are you at least 25 years old?
Yes               NO            
If NO, what’s your current age?
Last time you had a physical and HIV test?  (please list the date, name of Dr, and their phone number)


Name of School

Did you graduate?
Degree received
High School



Skills: please list skills you feel I should know about

Work Experience:
Dates Employed (most recent)
From:   To:

Full Time  
Part Time
If part-time, #Hrs/wk

Annual Salary:
Dates Employed (most recent)
From:   To:

Full Time  
Part Time
If part-time, #Hrs/wk

Annual Salary:

Dates Employed (most recent)
From:   To:

Full Time  
Part Time
If part-time, #Hrs/wk

Annual Salary:

Relationships: Please list most resent person phone number.

Length of time together  
Relationship status   
Reason for Separating

Children: Please list all children and potential children.
Name of Child
Mother’s Name
Mother’s BFF  Name
Amount  of Support

Relationship to you 
Phone number

Parent/ close Relative

Best friend/ close friend

  I certify that the information on this application and its supporting documents is accurate and complete.  I understand and agree that failure to fully complete the form, or misrepresentation or omission of facts, represents grounds for dropping dat ass and ignoring ALL calls and text, or termination after the start of an official relationship if discovered at a later date.  I authorize Joy B. to investigate, without liability, all statements contained in this application and supporting materials.  I authorize references, ex’s and former employers, without liability, to make full response to any inquiries in connection with this application for dates or relationship. If requested, I agree to submit to a physical exam, criminal and credit background investigation, and/or screening for illegal substances upon conditional offer of going out on a date.  I understand that this document is NOT an offer of a real date or relationship, and that an offer of a future date, if tendered, does NOT constitute a contract for continued guaranteed dates or a relationship with you.  I understand that dating Joy, me is at-will, and the “relationship/ friendship” may be terminated at any time by either party, or any or no reason. If you choose to date you will comply with Joy’s regulations. I understand that if dating on a temporary basis, you would not be entitled to any ass, sexual favors or I would not be required to listen to you whine and cry, and you would be ineligible for any of my time in the future.  If we chose to date on a regular, I understand that I would be required to make mandatory contributions to the Joy’s pockets, closet, shoe collection, and or household.  I understand that any benefits I receive may be subject to change or discontinuation at any time without prior notice.  I understand that the first SIX MONTHS of regular dating represent a provisional period, during which I would not be eligible for a promotion and during which I may be terminated without right of appeal!!!!!
Applicant Signature: ____________________________Date: ________________