Thursday, September 22, 2011

Random Thought.....

So, for some reason I replied back to text from someone I told a while ago to leave me the hell alone. Lets back track a little....this was someone I use to deal with, I wanted to go in one direction with this "relationship" and he wanted to go in another. That's perfectly fine with me! He then suggested we be friends.....he's the reason why a lot people believe men and woman CAN NOT BE FRIENDS. To me he continued to cross barriers and not respect the type of relationship I wanted....which was friendship. For the record I do believe men and woman can be friends.
Now I chose not to continue this one sided "friendship" I felt we had. I tried my damndist to get this person to leave me alone!!!! When I said it nicely that really meant....please ignore every word I'm saying and keep contacting me! I tried ignoring this person....nope that didn't work. I tried being an evil bitch (which I'm told I do well J )....that didn't even work. I think that was like spreading honey over myself because he texted even more when I was a total b-ioch. Why? I'll never know.
Well I thought I finally got rid of I thought because just when I thought the coast was clear guess who starts texting again?!?!?! YUP, you got it..."him". And I think to myself "what isn't this nigga understanding?" At this point he seems to be becoming a little weird...making comments about all my FB profile pics...mind you we weren't friends on FB. Making stupid comments to start a conversation. I mean like WTF is wrong with this man? Can't you see I'm not interested in you!
Within the last week or so he's sent random text, which I made very clear that I was NOT interested in communicating with him! (But as I said before he totally ignores that, like it's a joke) Now what I don't understand is if someone is being rude or sarcastic to you and keeps telling you to leave them alone, why get offend? Why feel the need to continue to contact that them if you feel like this person treats you so crappy? I mean isn't it like you're asking to be treated that way if you continue to reach out to this person. Right? He then always feels the need to point how mean I am to him and makes up stupid names that would equate to being a mean person....LOL. SMH!! I then get thrown these comments that I found totally hilarious!!!!! "You can't say I didn't try", "Your prickly behavior is actually telling me I made the right choice", and my favorite "I'm just trying to bring some reality to your dark prospective" LMAO I mean really tho?!?!?!?!? So guess he was really doing me a favor by continuing to talk to me. SIKE!
If he left me alone as I requested MONTHS ago, would he really feel this way? During our "relationship" he was giving multiple chances to do right and make an effort and he chose to do otherwise so I drop dat ass! And why do men always want to "try" after it's too late? When you had the chance to try you wanted to be doing your own thing...being a selfish man but wanting everything in return! Why does it seem like men feel like you should be grateful that they're trying to make amends for what they’ve done wrong after it's too late? Why is it that you have to leave, ignore them, and move on before they want to "try"? That baffles me to no end? Does anyone have an answer that? Does a man have an answer to that?
Now, I'm no relationship expert or anything (obviously because I'm single) but, men if a woman is telling you what she needs to be happy and you do otherwise then please expect a harsh reaction from that. Especially if the woman is telling you what she wants and you say you're going to do it and you don't...that kinda makes you a liar. She may just curse you out, leave you, break your stuff up, kick you out of the house....whatever. I don’t know? But please stop expecting so many chances to get your shit together and don't be upset if after a million "tries" your simple ass doesn't get another attempt to make it right!
Just my random thought….

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