I must say it is time for us to all
GROW UP! I feel like if you are over the age of 25 you should began to handle your situations differently. Yes, it can be a process for us all...me included. Your approach to situations in your life will either lead you in a great direction to resolve and be able to handle more difficult situations that will arise in your life or it can lead you down a path of destruction...not only for you but those around you. You could be sabotaging relationships and not even know it, or maybe you do and are not mature enough to be considerate or care about other peoples feelings decides your own. I guess then, that would make you a selfish person. *shrug* Don't get me wrong I still have a lot of learning to do about myself but as I get older I try not to make the same mistake I did before. How does the idiom go? "Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me."
I say all this to say, as problems arise in your life approach it
anaylis it,
resolve it, and
move on. If you don't like how your life is going, ask yourself why and can it be adjusted in any way. If you hate your job, figure out what you would be happy doing and if possible move on to better pastures. Not pleased in your relationships (friends/GF/BF) figure out why, who/what is the problem, and can it be resolved or salvaged???...talk to that person and let them know how you feel and your final dession on what and where this friendship/relation will go. We all need
closer, without it how can you resolve or repair the next issue/problem?!?!